How Blogging Can Change the World?

In a life of blogging, how do they change the world? Do they change the world by making their own blog? Blogging is the way of expressing some opinion, writing some articles a website that can would be have interest by the readers.. A very interesting topic or an articles that can change your whole life, your whole world like religious articles and entertainment. Many people they don't understand what blogging is. As they know, it is just way of expressing feelings and writing opinions in the internet. But in the way, through blogging you can change your world by making articles about your products, or selling your products, or promoting your products or their services. It has a marketing strategies in the online business. through blogging you can easily sell your products. In the other way, you can earn money into your blogs, just make your opinion to the advertiser's products, services and many more these are called paid to blog. This marketing strategies will change your world, blogging can change your whole world. You will make prosperous through blogging.

Blogging Can Change the World Contest

As I wake-up this morning, oops afternoon na pala, I never take my breakfast yet. I opened my PC to check my email messages. I signin to my Yahoo messenger and I have 3 offline messages. My friend PM me and he invite me to join in the conference. I found out andun na lahat mga adik sa contest in the conference hehehe. They are discussing about the contest its the “Blogging Can Change the World”. This is mini seo contest was sponsored by Neil Maranan from the Pinoy Press. You must make a blog and optimize the keyword Blogging Can Change the World.

1st Place - $30 and a single directory listing worth $100 at PinoySites Bid Directory

2nd Place - $20 and a single directory listing worth $50 at PinoySites Bid Directory

3rd Place - $10 and a single directory listing worth $30 at PinoySites Bid Directory

So what you waiting for join na rin kau.. Hehehe.. Blogging Can Change the World and A blogging will change your world.. :)

This blogpost is an entry to the 1st PinoyPress Contest sponsored by Make Money Blog

Role of Time Management

Time is a very important thing for people all over the world. It is time, which runs this world. For some people time is money and for some time is even more than that. Some people consider time as god. In fact if we closely introspect ourselves then we would realize that it is time that runs us and not we are who control time. Starting from numerous proverbs and various time related topic discussions, one thing that has always been a matter of concern is Time Management. Time management as a concept is extremely easy to understand and also to implement. However the most difficult part is that, "time slips away time and again". So it becomes always hard to consistently follow the time management routine. Though some proverbs do dictate that time comes back or time repeats itself still the fact remains the same and the truth is once you miss the time it will never come back again. And this leads to a lot of problem.

In this fast moving world time is very short. Nowadays the avenues of each and every human being has increased to such a great extent that even 24 hours is getting short for people. Thus in this era time management is of great importance and plays a very important role in one's success. If you want to succeed in your life or else if you want to achieve your dream or goal then Time Management is very necessary. We have several works to do in one day's time. So if we don't complete our task, which is scheduled for today then it gets piled up for the next day. Now once the next day arrives we have to do double work as we are left with that day's work and also with previous day's work. Thus consequently we again are not able to complete our second day's scheduled work. Therefore one day reaches when we are abound to either leave that work incomplete or else lose all hopes of completing it.

For all the above-mentioned reasons and many more time management is very important and it plays a very important role in one's success. A disciplined life can be easily achieved through time management. You just need to work out the various activities and the amount of time that you are going to spend for each activity. Once decided you need to adhere to that routine like bible and then only you can manage mange your time and lead a successful and satisfactory life.

5 Secrets to Inspiring Professionalism

Imagine jumping into a complex, high stakes game without knowing the rules-that's what thousands do daily as they enter the business world without an introduction to basic professionalism.

How does one learn to be professional? Most employees have never been trained on what it means. Sadly, many business problems and failures can be attributed, directly and indirectly, to lack of professionalism. This systemic business issue impacts everything from customer service and employee morale to team productivity and business results.

Your employees are the heart and soul of your company so it is important to engage the heart and soul of your employees. Although professionalism includes important external components such as appearance, demeanor, etiquette, etc., there is an even more significant and intangible inner component that must be brought forward. When we speak to the highest part of who a person can be, we tap into the source of inspiration and excellence. Here are five ways to inspire employees to give you the best of what they've got:

Secret 1: Assume that, given the right information, each person is capable of peak performance and professionalism. Whether you know it or not, people pick up on it when you believe in them. It comes out in thousands of subtle and not so subtle ways. The same is true when you don't. It is human nature to live up to what is expected of you. Pay attention to your inner beliefs and attitudes toward your employees. If you seek excellence, see them all as fully capable of delivering it.

Secret 2: Notice what's going right and talk about it-a lot. What you focus on expands. If you make a habit of paying attention to what's going well, you will inspire employees to show you more of that. That doesn't mean that you ignore what needs improvement, it just means that you give as much "air time" to what's working as you do to what isn't.

Secret 3: Invite employees to dream big. What would it look like if everyone was excited, inspired and engaged every day? It is exciting and inspirational to be asked for input on company issues and be a part of the solution. Invite employees to give suggestions on how they can have an individual impact on larger company initiatives like improving customer service or quality control.

Secret 4: Remind people that they are part of something bigger. What are the ways that your company fills a need? Even if your product or service is not very glamorous-there is someone who wants and needs it and counts on it to be excellent. Focusing on the larger meaning of one's work can inspire excellence and engagement.

Secret 5: Give your people the training and information they need to succeed. It's is critical that you clearly define your expectations for your employees. Remember, most employees have picked up the "rules" of the business game by seeing a lot of examples on the job and in the media of what not to do. It's in your company's best interest to give employees specifics on the what, how and why of professionalism.