Hello guys! I was looking some repair guide or a xbox 360 repair manual just to fix my old xbox 360 at home. My xbox wasn't use anymore until it has a 3 red light status that cause a malfunction operation.
I just remember last week to try repair if i can fix my xbox 360. But i have no much enough knowledge in repairing some of the errors and trouble of my xbox 360. So i scan and find for xbox 360 repair guide in the internet. After two days I have a simple xbox 360 repair manual and it is easily to understand the instructions and procedure on how to fix my old xbox 360 at home.
This is really a big help for me in repairing my xbox 360 for after just an hour I can play now my favorite xbox games. At this time I would to share my ideas on what i did in fixing my xbox 360 before. Firstly you need a torch, it is simply similar to alen drains driver but it is different on the tip. You can buy torch at the nearest hardware outlet. Get a torch and the xbox 360 repair manual and just simply follow gently the great procedures and instructions. After just an hour you can now play your xbox 360.